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Monarch Photography serves the Colorado Front Range specializing in portrait and dance studio photography taken on location at a client or school’s facilities.  By bringing the requisite equipment to a dance school, photographs can be made of dancers actually dancing on an appropriate surface they are comfortable on which makes for a better and safer experience.  Similarly, taking portraits in familiar and comfortable locations for the individual sitting for the portrait helps to make for better portraits.

Why specialize in dance photography?  The short answer is that I actively study competitive ballroom dancing with Ballroom Fort Collins and have taken lessons for years.  I am also around quite a few dancers of other forms of dancing which has helped cement a love of dancing in its many forms.  Dancing combines power and control into a physical poetry unlike anything else; it should be captured in photos.  Shoot what you love and you will love your job.

What about weddings?  While I have done wedding photography I shy away from shooting weddings.  I love weddings.  They are tremendous fun to shoot and a bit exhausting at the same time.  The reason that I will point people elsewhere for a wedding photographer is that I firmly believe that for weddings there needs to be at least two photographers rather than a wedding photographer.  For a typical wedding there is just so much going on that will be missed with one person trying to be everywhere.  Even the ceremony benefits from having multiple photographers getting multiple angles with multiple points of view.  I will always refer people looking for excellent wedding photographers to my good friends at Frame the Moment Photography.